Winter is coming…..

During these cold and dark evenings it’s hard to stay motivated.

So here’s some little tips that’ll will hopefully help you keep motivated over these cold months:

Stay as close to your usual routine as possible. It’s easy to get into a slump but by sticking to your usual routine as close as possible you can keep your body and mind focused.

Stay connected with family and loved ones. It’s easy to start feeling alone and isolated during these months. Arrange to go down the yard the same time as some friends, or just giving family a call can help to fight against feeling lonely, especially anyone still having to isolate for any reason.

See your horses as much as possible! If you can't ride because of the dark/weather then use this time to spend some quality time with your equestrian friend. A nice groom or some in handwork can be done pretty much anywhere. Maybe there’s some odd jobs you’ve been putting off. It’s good to remember it's not always about riding, just going to the yard for a groom, cuddle and a fuss will help you still feel connected without putting the pressure on yourself or your horse.

Think to the future. Plan your training now so that when you do get back out you’ll be completely prepared. This means both you and the horse. So use this time to work on your own fitness, youtube has loads of great equestrian workouts you can do from anywhere, so you don’t even need to get out of your pjs!

Be kind. To yourself and others around you. Winters hard for a lot of people so be kind and it’ll really go along way for people.


Bouncy Bouncy…….


Those pesky worms!